The third (and probably last) Release Candidate builds for the FreeBSD-7.4/8.2 release cycles are now available. For 8.2-RC3 the amd64, i386, ia64, pc98, powerpc, and sparc64 architectures are available. For 7.4-RC3 the amd64, i386, pc98, and sparc64 architectures are available. ISO images for these architectures can be downloaded from most of the FreeBSD mirror sites. Please see the official announcement for further details about these releases.
FreeBSD 7.4/8.2-RC3 Available
October-December, 2010 Status Report
The October-December, 2010 Status Report is now available with 37 entries.
FreeBSD 7.4-RC2 Available
The second Release Candidate build for the FreeBSD-7.4 release cycle is now available. ISO images for Tier-1 architectures can be downloaded from most of the FreeBSD mirror sites. Please see the official announcement for further details about this release.
FreeBSD 8.2-RC2 Available
The second Release Candidate build for the FreeBSD-8.2 release cycle is now available. ISO images for Tier-1 architectures can be downloaded from most of the FreeBSD mirror sites. Please see the official announcement for further details about this release.
FreeBSD Running On PS3
An anonymous reader writes “One week after Sony’s PlayStation 3 private cryptography key was obtained, FreeBSD is up and running on the PS3. Nathan Whitehorn writes: ‘Yesterday, I imported support for the Sony Playstation 3 into our 64-bit PowerPC port, expanding our game console support into the current generation. There are still a few rough edges due to missing hardware support, but the machine boots and runs FreeBSD stably. These rough edges should be smoothed out in time for the 9.0 release.'” Update: 01/10 15:04 GMT by KD : As several commenters have pointed out, the submission was misleading in that BSD runs in OtherOS, making no use of the cracked keys.
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
FreeBSD 7.4/8.2-RC1 Available
The first Release Candidate builds for the FreeBSD-7.4/8.2 release cycles are now available. ISO images for Tier-1 architectures can be downloaded from most of the FreeBSD mirror sites. Please see the official announcement for further details about these releases.
FreeBSD 7.4/8.2-RC1 Available
The first Release Candidate builds for the FreeBSD-7.4/8.2 release cycles are now available. ISO images for Tier-1 architectures can be downloaded from most of the FreeBSD mirror sites. Please see the official announcement for further details about these releases.
De Raadt Doubts Alleged Backdoors Made It Into OpenBSD
itwbennett writes “In follow-up to last week’s controversy over allegations that the FBI installed a number of back doors into the encryption software used by the OpenBSD operating system, OpenBSD lead developer Theo de Raadt said on a discussion list Tuesday, that he believes that a government contracting firm that contributed code to his project ‘was probably contracted to write backdoors,’ which would grant secret access to encrypted communications. But that he doesn’t think that any of this software made it into the OpenBSD code base.”
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
FreeBSD Foundation December 2010 Newsletter
The FreeBSD Foundation has published their End-of-Year newsletter which summarizes what they have done in 2010 to help the FreeBSD Project and community.