The first RC build for the FreeBSD-9.1 release cycle is now available. ISO images for the amd64, i386, powerpc64 and sparc64 architectures are available on most of our FreeBSD mirror sites.
News imported
New committer: Andrey Zonov (src)
New committer: Bryan Drewery (ports)
New Core Team Secretary: Gábor Páli
The FreeBSD Core Team is glad to announce that Gábor Páli has assumed the role of Core Team Secretary.
FreeBSD 9.1-BETA1 Available
The first BETA build for the FreeBSD-9.1 release cycle is now available. ISO images for the architectures amd64, i386, powerpc64, and sparc64 are available on most of our FreeBSD mirror sites.
New FreeBSD Core Team elected
The FreeBSD Project is pleased to announce the completion of the 2012 Core Team election. The FreeBSD Core Team acts as the project’s “board of directors” and is responsible for approving new src committers, resolving disputes between developers, appointing sub-committees for specific purposes (security officer, release engineering, port managers, webmaster, etc …), and making any other administrative or policy decisions as needed. The Core Team has been elected by FreeBSD developers every two years since 2000.
New committer: Niclas Zeising (doc/www, ports)
Enhanced commit privileges: Glen Barber (doc, ports)
OpenBSD Fork Bitrig Announced
With the goal of bringing more experimental development to the OpenBSD
code base, a few developers have announced a fork named
Bitrig. According to their FAQ, Bitrig aims to build a small system
targeting only modern hardware and “be a very commercially friendly code base by using non-viral licenses where possible.” Their first step toward that goal was removing GCC in favor of LLVM/Clang. The project roadmap shows their future goals as adding FUSE support, improving multiprocessing, porting the system to ARM, and replacing the GNU C++ library with LLVM’s.
Read more of this story at Slashdot.