The April-June, 2011 Status Report is now available with 36 entries.
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April-June, 2011 Status Report
New committer: Carlo Strub (ports)
FreeBSD 9.0-BETA2 Available
The second BETA build for the FreeBSD-9.0 release cycle is now available. ISO images for the architectures amd64, i386, powerpc, powerpc64, and sparc64 are available on most of our FreeBSD mirror sites. One of the many new features in 9.0 we would like to be tested is the new installer, so we encourage our users to do fresh installation on test systems.
New committer: Raphael Kubo da Costa (ports)
Linux Support Fades For 3Dfx Voodoo, Rage 128, VIA
An anonymous reader writes “The developers behind the Mesa 3D graphics library, which provides the default graphics driver support for most hardware on Linux (and BSD/Solaris), has ended their support for older hardware. Being removed from Mesa (and therefore versions of Linux distributions) is support for hardware like the 3Dfx Voodoo, Intel i810, ATI Rage, and S3 Savage graphics processors. Also drivers being dropped were for Matrox and VIA graphics. Mesa developers also decided it’s time to end support for the BeOS operating system. Dropping this code lowered the developers’ responsibility by some 100k L.O.C., so maybe we will see GL3 support and OpenCL in Linux a bit sooner.”
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
OpenBSD Marches Toward 5.0 Release writes “OpenBSD-current just turned 5.0-beta, providing us a preview of what the upcoming release (slated for November 1st) will look like. Peter Hansteen takes us through the main new features and explains the development process that has consistently turned out high-quality releases on time, every six months for more than a decade.”
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
Proposal For Gnome To Become Linux-Only
Moderator writes “Could Gnome drop support for non-Linux operating systems? That was a recent proposal on the Gnome mailing list, although there were significant objections in response. Quoting: ‘It is harmful to pretend that you are writing the OS core to work on any number of different kernels…the time has come for GNOME to embrace Linux a bit more boldly.'”
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
Lennart Poettering: BSD Isn’t Relevant Anymore
halfaperson writes “In an interview with, Lennart Poettering speaks freely about his creations, PulseAudio, Avahi and systemd among other things. Naturally, what has stirred up most of the discussions online is Lennart’s opinions on BSD. Following the recent proposal to make Gnome a Linux-exclusive desktop, Lennart explains that he thinks BSD support is holding back a lot of Free Software development. He says this while also taking a stab at Debian kFreeBSD: ‘Debian kFreeBSD is a toy OS, people really shouldn’t misunderstand that.'”
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
FreeBSD Running On PS3
An anonymous reader writes “One week after Sony’s PlayStation 3 private cryptography key was obtained, FreeBSD is up and running on the PS3. Nathan Whitehorn writes: ‘Yesterday, I imported support for the Sony Playstation 3 into our 64-bit PowerPC port, expanding our game console support into the current generation. There are still a few rough edges due to missing hardware support, but the machine boots and runs FreeBSD stably. These rough edges should be smoothed out in time for the 9.0 release.'” Update: 01/10 15:04 GMT by KD : As several commenters have pointed out, the submission was misleading in that BSD runs in OtherOS, making no use of the cracked keys.
Read more of this story at Slashdot.