The second RC build for the FreeBSD-8.4 release cycle is now available. ISO images for the amd64, i386 and pc98 architectures are available on most of our FreeBSD mirror sites.
New committer: hiren panchasara (src)
New committer: Hiren Panchasara (src)
FreeBSD 8.4-RC1 Available
The first RC build for the FreeBSD-8.4 release cycle is now available. ISO images for the amd64, i386 and pc98 architectures are available on most of our FreeBSD mirror sites.
Enhanced commit privileges: Antoine Brodin (src, ports)
New committer: William Grzybowski (ports)
The FreeBSD Foundation Is Soliciting Project Proposals
Professor_Quail writes “Following a successful 2012 fundraising campaign, the FreeBSD Foundation is soliciting the submission of project proposals for funded development grants. Proposals may be related to any of the major subsystems or infrastructure within the FreeBSD operating system, and will be evaluated based on desirability, technical merit, and cost-effectiveness. The proposal process is open to all developers (including non-FreeBSD committers), and the deadline for submitting a proposal is April 26th, 2013.” The foundation is currently funding a few other projects, including UEFI booting support.
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
Enhanced commit privileges: Tijl Coosemans (src, ports)
FreeBSD 8.4-BETA1 Available
The first BETA build for the FreeBSD-8.4 release cycle is now available. ISO images for the amd64, i386 and pc98 architectures are available on most of our FreeBSD mirror sites.
New FreeBSD Foundation Technical Staff Member: Konstantin Belousov
The FreeBSD Foundation is pleased to announce that Konstantin Belousov has been hired as its first full-time member of technical staff, a key milestone of the Foundation’s investment in staff for 2013.