The i386 boot process is as crufty as you’d expect from decades of stagnation. Booting your OS could be much easier–that’s why the GRUB hackers developed The Multiboot Specification. Julio M. Merino Vidal explains why Multiboot exists, what it can do for you, and how he modified the NetBSD kernel to work with it.
Greylisting with PF
Greylisting–delaying mail delivery briefly per the SMTP RFCs–is an effective way to reduce the amount of incoming spam. While many greylisting solutions require customization of your SMTP server, OpenBSD’s PF can do it too. Dan Langille shows how to use the powerful packet filter to identify and pass legitimate mail, delay and divert potential spammers, and throw in some OS fingerprinting to ward off certain zombie clients.
Inside PC-BSD 1.3
iXsystems’ recent acquisition of PC-BSD hasn’t slowed the development of the desktop-capable FreeBSD distribution. Version 1.3 is out and available. Dru Lavigne talks with PC-BSD developers about the new release and their plans to continue to make an effective, efficient, and usable free desktop operating systems.
FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE Available
FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE is now available. Please be sure to check the Release Notes and Release Errata before installation for any late-breaking news and/or issues with 7.1. More information about FreeBSD releases can be found on the Release Information page.
FreeBSD 7.1-RC2 Available
The second and last release candidate of FreeBSD 7.1 is now available. ISO images for Tier-1 architectures are now available on most of the FreeBSD mirror sites.
[FreeBSD] Release van 5.4
Na een lange tijd van testen is dan eindelijke release 5.4 uitgebracht. In de nieuwe versie zijn een aantal veranderingen doorgevoerd:
– Verbeterde support voor meer dan 4Gb aan geheugen
– De netwerk stack en drivers zijn verbeterd door betere locks (MPSAFE)
– [url=]Carp[/url] is toegevoegd
– Aantal nieuwe disk controllers
Volledige lijst is [url=]hier[/url] te vinden
[FreeBSD] Release van 4.11
In de Legacy development branch van FreeBSD is een nieuwe versie uitgekomen. Het gaat om versie 4.11 en deze kan zowel via het [url=]BitTorrent-netwerk[/url] worden gedownload en vanaf een [url=]FTP-server.[/url]
De release notes zijn te lang om hier weer te geven, dus we volstaan met een [url=]link[/url] naar de pagina en sluiten af met enkele woorden van Ken Smith, de release engineer van FreeBSD:
The Release Engineering Team is happy to announce the availability of FreeBSD 4.11-RELEASE, the latest release of the FreeBSD Legacy development branch. Since FreeBSD 4.10-RELEASE in May 2004 we have made conservative updates to a number of software programs in the base system, dealt with known security issues, and made many bugfixes.
For a complete list of new features, known problems, and late-breaking news, please see the release notes and errata list.
FreeBSD 4.11 will become the first “Errata Branch”. In addition to Security fixes other well-tested fixes to basic functionality will be committed to the RELENG_4_11 branch after the release. Both Security Advisories and Errata Notices are announced on the mailing list.
This is expected to be the last release from the RELENG_4 branch. Most of the Developers are now focused on the RELENG_5 branch, or on the cutting edge development in HEAD.[/quote]
FreeBSD 4.11-RC2 released
FreeBSD 5.3 is gereleased
Op de diverse mirrors zijn de ISO’s van FreeBSD 5.3 release te vinden.
FreeBSD 5.3 heeft een lang traject door gemaakt voordat het gereleased werd. Het is dan ook de bedoeling dat binnenkort de 5.X serie de productie release wordt.
De iso’s zijn hier al te vinden:
Scott Long zegt over 5.X serie
[quote]5.x was a tremendous undertaking. SMPng, KSE, UFS2, background fsck,
ULE, ACPI, etc, etc, etc were all incredible tasks. Given that many of
these things were developed and managed by unpaid volunteers, the fact
that we made it to 5-STABLE at all is quite impressive and says a lot
about the quality and determination of all of our developers and users.
However, 4 years was quite a long time to work on it. While 4.x
remained a good work-horse, it suffered from not having needed features
and hardware support. 5.x suffered at the same time from having too
much ambition but not enough developers to efficiently carry it through.[/quote]
[FreeBSD] Release van 5.3 nadert
Verwacht wordt dat de eerste beta’s van FreeBSD 5.3 in augustus zullen verschijnen. Dit zal dan de eerste stable release zijn in de 5 serie.
Bij [url=‚39020390‚39162245‚00.htm] Zdnet[/url] is een artikel te lezen waarin de nieuwe punten van de 5.3 worden toegelicht..
Release engineer Scott Long heeft nog wat meer info gegeven over 5.3. Deze info is te lezen in het status rapport van Mei t/m Juni
[url=]Status rapport May-June 2004[/url]