Er is weer een gloednieuwe release van FreeBSD. Deze heeft versie nummer 4.9 mee gekregen. [quote] I am happy to announce the availability of FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE, the latest release of the FreeBSD -STABLE development branch. Since FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE in April 2003, we have made conservative updates to a number of software programs in the base system, dealt with known security issues, and merged support for large memory i386 machines with Page Address Extensions (PAE) from 5.1.[/quote] [url=]Relnotes[/url] [url=]Errata[/url] [quote] This release does not include all of the new technologies that were introduced with FreeBSD 5.1 in June. Most developer resources are focused on improving the FreeBSD 5.X branch, and this may very well be the last major release of FreeBSD 4.X. The security officer team will continue to actively support the 4.X branch according to the normal policy. Additional 4.9.X releases may be made available when necessitated by security vulnerabilities or high-impact bugfixes. We encourage all our users to evaluate FreeBSD 5.1 and the upcoming 5.2. Because PAE support has only been a feature in 4.X for a few months, it has not received wide-spread testing, and our most conservative users may wish to stay with FreeBSD 4.8 until they choose to migrate to 5.X. For more information about the distinctions between FreeBSD 4.X and 5.X, or for general information about the FreeBSD release engineering activities, please see : [/quote]
PF met ALTQ op FreeBSD 5.1
De eerste versie van PF met ALTQ is beschikbaar voor FreeBSD. Hiermee komen de mooie PF futures beschikbaar voor FreeBSD
The first official release of PF ALTQ merge is now available. It’s based on the most recent version of OpenBSD’s PF ported by Max and Pyun. The ALTQ part in this package is based on the most recent version from kame. They disabled ALTQ3_COMPAT, and introduced finegrained locking. JoBS, other schedulers and compatparts are still in this tree for two reasons. First it’s much easier to sync with kame. Second they will start work to support JoBS, they are in contact with the author. This release has been working on FreeBSD 5.1 at any patchlevel. They plan to release one patchset which adds altq and pf to the main FreeBSD tree. Currently they are working with the RELENG_5_1 branch. Work has begun toward FreeBSD CURRENT. Their goal is to integrate pf and altq in the main FreeBSD CVStree.
[FreeBSD] Code freeze voor 4.9
Zoals we kunnen lezen heeft RE team volgende annoucement de deur uitgedaan:
FreeBSD Release Engineering (RE) team has announced a code freeze of source tree on August 25 in preparation for the release scheduled for Septemer 29, 2003. After August 25, all commits to the RELENG_4 branch must be approved by FreeBSD release engineering team ( Certain highly active documentation committers are exempt from this rule for routine man page / release note updates. Heads-up emails should be sent to the developers@, stable@ and qa@ lists.
The first release candidate for the x86 and Alpha architecture is scheduled for September 12. ISO images will be uploaded to and A network install directory will be uploaded to The packages/ directory will be a relative symlink, as described in the releng article. The ports tree will be tagged on September 19, 2003. The final package builds start September 19, final builds for x86 and Alpha in a pristine environment start September 25. Release packages will be uploaded September 26. The official release and release announcement comes on September 29, 2003. The RE team has also published FreeBSD 4.9 Open issues (TODO) list and Testing Guide for 4.9-RELEASE.
[BSDfreaks] Down time – Nieuws posters
Jullie zullen het wel gemerkt hebben. De server van BSDfreaks is de laatste tijd een beetje wispelturig. Uiteraard onze excuses hiervoor. We zijn bezig het op te lossen.
Verder hebben jullie ook gemerkt dat het bijhouden van het nieuws er een beetje bij ingeschoten is. Dit kom voornamelijk door een te drukke agenda van Spine en ik. Daarom hebben we ook een verzoek aan mensen die even tijd willen vrijmaken om eens een berichtje te plaatsen.
Plaats jij 3 nuttige berichten in 8 dagen dan mogen we je verblijden met een mooi bsdfreaks email adres, dus
Hiermee hopen we jullie over de streep te trekken. Mocht je vragen hebben, dan kun je altijd contact met ons opnemen via
[FreeBSD] Bijna 2 miljoen actieve sites die FreeBSD draaien
Netcraft bericht het volgende over het aantal sites dat FreeBSD draait:
The proportion of active sites found by the Web Server Survey running
FreeBSD is growing. FreeBSD’s strength can be attributed to its adoption
by several of the most successful shared hosting companies‚ including
Yahoo which is growing its hosting operations very strongly.
Dit is natuurlijk een goed teken
[url=]De link[/url]
[NetBSD] PF Port
Bron: [url=]Bron[/url]
De NetBSD core developer itojun heeft OpenBSD’s Packet Filter (PF) geport naar NetBSD -current.
Hij vertelt dat de port nog niet helemaal compleet is en dat bepaalde dingen nog goed getest moeten worden. Maar hij wilt de port wel committen samen met een ALTQ update.
Verder is itojun bezig met de IPSec policy engine intregatie in PF. Dit zal setkey(8) overbodig maken.
Dus als alles mee zit dan krijgen we in NetBSD 2.0 PF als nieuwe packet filter. 🙂
[url=]Het hele artikel[/url]
Het beveiligen van WLAN’s
Bij Network World Fusion is een artikel verschenen over de beveiliging van WLAN’s. Er worden zes verschillende type beveiligingen besproken. Het is eigenlijk een must om dit artikel te lezen indien je met WLAN’s aan de slag gaat.
[url=]Het Artikel[/url]
Apache stap voor stap beveiligen
Bij securityfocus is een artikel verschenen waarin staat beschreven hoe je Apache veilig kunt installeren en configureren. Dit houdt onder andere in dat je Apache in een chroot draait.
[url=]Het artikel[/url]
FreeBSD 5.1 Released!
Het is weer zover na een aantal Beta’s is hij er dan weer en nieuwe release in de 5-serie. Helaas is de 5-serie nog niet voor productie servers‚ maar het komt wel steeds dichter in de buurt.
[quote]It is my great privilege and pleasure to announce the availability of
FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE. This release continues FreeBSD on the path of
advanced multiprocessor and application thread support and includes
many improved and widely-sought features:
– Experimental 1:1 and M:N thread libraries provide kernel support for
efficient application multithreading.
– Support for Physical Address Extensions enables Pentium Pro and
higher CPUs to access up to 64GB of RAM.
– Experimental Name Service Switch infrastructure allows enterprises
to seamlessly integrate with LDAP and Active Directory services.
– Enhanced “jail” management‚ allowing one server to provide many
different “virtual machines” with reduced administrator workload.
– New device drivers include support for IBM/Adaptec ServeRAID
controllers‚ expanded support for USB 2.0 and USB Ethernet adapters‚
and Promise Serial ATA controllers.
– Experimental support for the amd64 platform allows FreeBSD to run
on single processor AMD Opteron systems.
Although stability is greatly improved and many bugs have been fixed‚
FreeBSD 5.1 might not be suitable for all users. More conservative users
may prefer to continue using FreeBSD 4.X. Information on the various
trade-offs involved‚ as well as some notes on future plans for both
FreeBSD 4.X and 5.X‚ can be found in the Early Adopter’s Guide‚ available
For a complete list of new features and known problems‚ please see the
release notes and errata list‚ available here:
For more information about FreeBSD release engineering activities‚
please see:
This release is dedicated to the memory of Alan Eldridge. Alan was a
talented and dedicated member of the KDE On FreeBSD team and the FreeBSD
community‚ and his passing is mourned by all of us. For more information‚
please see[me]moriam/alane.php[/me]
[url=]Release notes[/url]
Nieuwe vergelijking FreeBSD vs Linux voor MySQL
Jeremy Zawody de beheerder van alle MySQL servers van Yahoo komt met nieuwe resultaten van MySQL. Uit deze resultaten blijkt dat MySQL met Linuxthreads net zo snel loopt onder FreeBSD als onder Linux.
MySQL now runs very well on FreeBSD. I’m no longer steering people
toward Linux. There are two important things you should do to make
the FreeBSD/MySQL combo work well: (1) build MySQL with LinuxThreads
rather than FreeBSD’s native threads, and (2) use MySQL 4.x or newer.
For more details, keep reading.
Is this guy more or less wrong in his explanations about threads ? (I
was said so)
As I know nothing about threads, but I noticed a similar behavior on
MacOSX, and MySQL performances are as bad on FreeBSD as on MacOSX,
compared to linux.
any explanation/confirmation/correction greatly appreciated.