Met dit artikel wordt je op weg geholpen met de multimedia mogelijkheden van FreeBSD.
[quote]As I have spent more and more time checking out the Linux and Unix forums on this site‚ I have realized the volume of dedicated Unix enthusiasts. Realizing not many articles on Exam Notes apply directly to them‚ I have decided to dedicate an entire article to FreeBSD‚ which is a Unix derivative developed at the Berkley Campus of the University of California.
In the old days‚ FreeBSD didn’t offer much along the lines of Sound support but that has all changed. FreeBSD now can provide sound and multimedia support as good as‚ or better than‚ and Windows system. In this article‚ I’m going to explain how you can:
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een linkje zou wel leuk zijn…
waar heb je het over ? 😉